
Below are my published papers and preprints, in reverse chronological order, with some relevant but out of context figures.

Quantum Algorithm Exploration using Application-Oriented Performance Benchmarks

qedc benchmarking paper

Distributing circuits over heterogeneous, modular quantum computing network architectures

pytket dqc paper

Entanglement-efficient bipartite-distributed quantum computing: Published in Quantum

embedding paper

Volumetric Benchmarking of Error Mitigation with Qermit: Published in Quantum

qermit paper

Application-Motivated, Holistic Benchmarking of a Full Quantum Computing Stack: Published in Quantum

benchmarking paper

The Born Supremacy: Quantum Advantage and Training of an Ising Born Machine: Published in NPJ Quantum Information

born paper

Methods for Classically Simulating Noisy Networked Quantum Architectures: Published in Quantum Science and Technology

nqit paper

Information Theoretically Secure Hypothesis Test for Temporally Unstructured Quantum Computation: Published in the proceedings of Quantum Physics and Logic 2017

iqp paper